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The Temple Collection

Imagine your pooja room with all uniformly framed and beautifully painted Tanjore paintings of your favorite Ishta Devathas. Here's where that dream becomes a reality!!! We have carefully curated the "Temple Collection" for you to choose from, to sanctify your home's most sacred space.


You can choose from this collection to meet your family's pooja needs and most favored deities. 

All these pictures have the following standard picture sizes: 

- 12"h x 10"w / (15"h x 13"w with frame) *Best Seller* / *Note: This is the smallest size in this category*

- 15"h x 12"w / (18"h x 15"w with frame)

- 20"h x 16"w / (24"h x 20"w with frame)

Click here to place your order, once you've decided on the paintings that will adorn your pooja room. 

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